A. Wimberly, P. Sacco, M. Tennor, S. Murray-Browne, and L. Arikata
August 02, 2022

New Article by SSW faculty and Students
Assistant Professor Alexandra Wimberly, Associate Professor Paul Sacco, PHD Candidate Maura Tennor, PHD Candidate Shawna Murray-Browne, Loraine Arikata and colleague Ryan Petros published in the Journal of Social Practice in the Addictions.
Wimberly, A. S., Petros, R., Sacco, P., Tennor, M., Murray-Browne, S., & Arikat, L. (2022). Factors that contribute to stigma toward opioid users among social work students. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/1533256X.2022.2103982