Priscilla Aguirre, Veronica Amos, and Jacqueline Mitchell
July 19, 2022

Three faculty members co-authored an article accepted for publication in the AANA Journal.
Three UMSON faculty members -- Priscilla Aguirre, DNP, CRNA, assistant professor; Veronica Amos, PhD, MS '07, MS '00, BSN '99, CRNA, PHCNS-BC, FAANA, assistant professor and director, Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Anethesia specialty; and Jacqueline C. Mitchell, MS '07, CRNA, director of clinical education -- have authored an article, "The Impact of High-Fidelity Simulation on Nurse Anesthesia Students' Knowledge, Self-Confidence, and Psychomotor Skills," accepted for publication in the AANA Journal, the official scholarly journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology.
(photo, l. to r.: Aguirre, Amos, and Mitchell)