Corey Shdaimah

Corey Shdaimah publishes two blog posts related to her work in court-affiliated diversion programs for people arrested for street based sex work.

Daniel Thursz Professor of Social Justice Corey Shdaimah published two blog posts, with colleagues Chrysanthi Leon (University of Delaware) and Associate Dean and Chair of UMBC Baccalaureate Social Work.

Reflecting on their study of court-affiliated diversion programs for people arrested for street-base sex over more than a decade, most recently profiled in their new co-authored book The Compassionate Court?: Support, Surveillance, and Survival in Prostitution Diversion Programs, one blogpost question framing and utility and orientation of these programs that place the locs of responsiblity on those who have the least power. In The problem with prostitution problem solving. In the second post, Professor Shdaimah reflects on her own ambivalance while Visiting Project Dawn Court  during a hearing that doubled as a farewell party for key stakeholders. 

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