Dr. Sarah Dababnah, Dr. Wendy Shaia, PhD student Yoonzie Chung
May 03, 2023

Dababnah, Shaia, Chung, and Colleagues Published in Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
The paper, "Pilot Trial of a Peer-to-Peer Psychoeducational Intervention for Parents of Black Children Awaiting a Developmental Evaluation" examined the impact of a peer-to-peer psychoeducational intervention, Parents Taking Action for Black families of children awaiting developmental-behavioral pediatric evaluations. The study was funded by the UMB Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (Co-Principal Investigators: Dababnah and Reyes).
More information is here: https://journals.lww.com/jrnldbp/Abstract/9900/Pilot_Trial_of_a_Peer_to_Peer_Psychoeducational.103.aspx