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Rebecca Wiseman and Cynthia Sweeney

Publication date

February 06, 2023

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Name: Rebecca Wiseman


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Alt text: Rebecca Wiseman and Cynthia Sweeney


Associate professor and alumna, president of Sigma's Pi at-Large Chapter share authorship of published article.

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Rebecca Wiseman, PhD, RN, associate professor and director of the Maryland Workforce Center, and Cynthia Sweeney, DNP, BSN '76, RN, CNOR, NEA-BC, FAAN, vice president of nursing, emerita for the DAISY Foundation and president of UMSON's Pi at-Large Chapter of Sigma, were published in the February 2023 issue of the Journal of Nursing Administration.

The object of the study, "Retaining the Best: Recognizing What Meaningful Recognition Is to Nurses as a Strategy for Nurse Leaders," was to identify what meaningful recognition is to nurses in a postpandemic healthcare landscape.

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Campus​wide Dent​istry Grad​uate Law Med​icine Nurs​ing Pharm​acy Social Work

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