Rick Barth
July 31, 2023

Richard Barth published in JAMA Pediatrics
Professor Richard Barth and UMB Pediatrics Professor Howard Dubowitz have published a viewpoint piece in JAMA Pediatrics in respond to a prior commentary that called for an end to mandatory reporting and suggested that the outcomes of Child Welfare Services (CWS) were, generally, racist and adverse for children. The authors provide evidence of the overreach of this argument in an effort to arrive at a more balanced view of CWS and for the continuation of efforts which go beyond the current anti-CPS rhetoric and to understand which ways of responding will best help children and families to flourish.
Dubowitz, H., & Barth, R. P. (2023). Seeking a Balanced View of Child Protective Services. JAMA Pediatrics. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2023.2578