Kelly Doran

Associate professor and student co-authors honored with Mather 2024 Innovative Research on Aging Award.

Kelly Doran, PhD '11, MS '08, RN, FAAN, associate professor, and several co-authors published a manuscript, "Gauging the Stress of Long‐Term Care Nursing Assistants Using Ecological Momentary Assessment, Wearable Sensors and End of Day Reconstruction," in the International Journal of Older People Nursing that was selected to win a Silver Award in the Mather 2024 Innovative Research on Aging Awards. The manuscript is the result of funding by the UMB Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.

A description of the research study will be featured in a brief report, along with eight other studies. The report will be written for a senior living audience, highlighting key findings and implications for operations. 

Among the co-authors are Susanna Witmer, an UMSON DNP student, and Abaneh Ebangwese, an UMSON PhD student.

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