Lentisie Tesfaye Woldemeski

Doctor of Nursing Practice student earns Outstanding Achievement award.

Lentisie Tesfaye Woldemeskel, RN, an UMSON Doctor of Nurse Practice (DNP) student and a registered nurse who works at the University of Maryland Medical Center, was recognized with an award for Outstanding Achievement in Academic Community Engagement by a Student by the Interprofessional Program on Academic Community Engagement (IPACE).

On March 28, IPACE held its second annual symposium, Best Practices in Community Engagement: A Symposium on Community-Based Scholarship, Practice, Education, and Service. The symposium also highlighted various organizations and individuals and their efforts in community engagement.

As a nurse in the mother and baby unit at UMMC, Woldemeskel has a passion for improving the health of women and children at the national and international level. Her work and personal experiences are motivating factors that enable her to continue to make a difference in the lives of women and children in challenging circumstances. She is serving the community in a variety of ways, such as educating pregnant women and providing them with materials that keep them and their babies safe. She also educates children in local schools about the benefits of maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen. She actively helps prepare community awareness events regarding breast cancer and supporting children with disabilities. She supports and educates parents in local special needs schools, such as the Kennedy Krieger School by fundraising so that they can provide the best quality of services to their students.

She is also a co-president of the Nurses for Global Health student group at UMSON.

pictured, l. to r.: Brian Sturdivant, MSW, director, strategic initiatives and community partnerships, UMB Community Engagement Center; Woldemeskel; and Chantelle James, MS, academic advisor, UMSON.


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