Nadine M. Finigan-Carr, Amelia Rubenstein, Neil Mallon, Wana Jin, and Terry Shaw
December 19, 2024

UMSSW Faculty and Staff Publish Article on Intersection of Human Trafficking and Child Welfare.
SSW faculty Drs Terry Shaw and Nadine Finigan-Carr, with SSW staff Wana Jin, Amelia Rubenstein, and Neil Mallon, published a new article in a special issue of the journal Child Welfare entitled "Understanding the Characteristics of Child Victims of Traffi cking in Child Welfare and Developing an Innovative Approach for Screening Youth at Risk."
Their research analyzed over 1,200 child maltreament reports of sex trafficking among Maryland youth and proposed a new screening instrument for identifying risk of trafficking among young people involved with the child welfare system.
The article can be found at