Rosemarie DiMauro Satyshur

Assistant professor presents at APHA 2024 Annual Meeting and Expo.

Rosemarie DiMauro Satyshur, PhD, RN, assistant professor, presented "Addressing Gaps and Saving Lives: Maternal Mortality Review Teams as the Best Source for Prevention Strategies" at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo in Minneapolis on Oct. 27. This year's meeting theme was "Rebuilding Trust in Public Health and Science."

Maternal Mortality Review Teams (MMRTs) are state multidisciplinary committees that comprehensively review deaths during or within one year of pregnancy and develop action recommendations to prevent future deaths. MMRT prevention recommendations include wider access to insurance coverage to improve prenatal care initiation and follow-up after pregnancy, preventing transportation barriers to care, and the need for systems of referral and coordination. 

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