Vanessa Fahie

Assistant professor honored at UMMC's 2024 Nursing Excellence Awards.

Vanessa Fahie, PhD '94, MS '83, BSN '76, RN, assistant professor, was honored as the University of Maryland School of Nursing Colleague Award recipient during the University of Maryland Medical Center's (UMMC) Nursing Excellence Awards Ceremony, held May 8. Fahie was recognized as an extraordinary partner to UMMC.

The event program read, "As a consummate nurse educator, Dr. Fahie has spent decades developing generations of nursing students and opening the nursing pipeline for historically underrepresented groups. Using her passion, moral compass, and enthusiasm as her guide, she has instilled in countless young nurses the cultural competencies required to work with patients and families across diverse backgrounds as well as the highest exemplars of compassionate care.

"Whether she is securing millions of dollars in grants to introduce Baltimore City students to nursing or mentoring undergraduates to present papers and posters at conferences across the country, her dedication to nursing is unparalleled. When UMMC sought opportunities to open new doors to careers in health care, her leadership and nursing acumen became instrumental to the success of our Certified Nursing Assistant program. From conception to implementation, Dr. Fahie has ensured the success of our CNA program at every step. Thanks to her guidance and exceptional attention to detail, we successfully completed our applications to the Maryland Board of Nursing and the Maryland Higher Education Commission. As a member of the program’s inaugural faculty, she tailored a curriculum to help her students flourish. She also became a fixture across our West Baltimore community, where she encouraged countless people to envision their futures as health care professionals."

photo, l. to r.: Karen Doyle, DNP '20, MS '91, MBA, BSN '85, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, senior vice president of patient care services and chief nursing officer, University of Maryland Medical Center, and Fahie


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