Kerri Evans

Dr. Evans published an article in Journal of Higher Education.

Dr. Evans and colleagues recently published an article entitled, Reframing higher education for refugees: Pathways, policies, and community cultural wealth in the Journal of Higher Education.

Postsecondary education for refugees has gained traction, notably through the UN Refugee Agency’s “15 by 30” initiative aimed at achieving 15% refugee enrollment in postsecondary education by 2030. The study explores the neoliberal framework guiding US resettlement policies, which emphasize rapid employment and often limit refugees to low-skilled, low-wage jobs, thereby undervaluing their educational aspirations and potential contributions. It highlights the pivotal role of resettlement agencies in shaping refugees’ access to higher education, influencing their information and resource accessibility. The study employs the Community Cultural Wealth (CCW) framework to redefine refugees as resource-rich individuals navigating structural barriers rather than passive recipients of aid. Drawing on empirical data from focus groups conducted with a resettlement agency in the Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. area, complemented by survey data, this mixed-methods study underscores refugees’ agency and resilience

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