
Associate professor offers presentations, submits manuscript.

Veronica "Ronnie" Quattrini, DNP, MS ’99, BSN ’85, FNP-BC, associate professor and senior director, DNP program:

  • presented on “Supporting Nurse Practitioners as they Transition from Academia to Practice” with colleagues from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing at the International Council of Nurses NP/APN Network Conference 2024 in Aberdeen, Scotland, in September
  • offered a podium presentation on “Supporting Nursing Advanced Practice Transitions Fellowship: Creating a Resilient Workforce” with colleagues from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Doctoral Education Conference in Coronado, California, in January
  • submitted a manuscript with faculty colleagues from the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, "Advanced Practice Nursing Education: Strategies to Advance Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging," that was published in the Journal of Nursing Education.
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