Yvette Conyers

Assistant professor and associate dean for EDI joins AACN Campus Climate and Intergroup Relations subgroup, working on Holistic Ecosystem of Excellence in Nursing Education Faculty Toolkit.

Yvette Conyers, DNP, RN, FNP-C, CTN-B, CFCN, CFCS, CNE, FADLN, CWCN-AP, assistant professor and associate dean for equity, diversity, and inclusion, was chosen to assist with developing the new American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Holistic Ecosystem of Excellence in Nursing Education Faculty Toolkit.  

This toolkit will build on the previous work of the Inclusive Excellence Ecosystem for Academic Nursing and the Faculty Toolkit. Conyers will serve on the Campus Climate and Intergroup Relations subgroup, building upon the AACN Learning Across Multidimensional Perspectives (LAMP) survey completed in 2023 and 2024 at UMSON.

Campus Climate and Intergroup Relations refers to the culture and climate environment within schools of nursing. Inclusive learning environments are characterized by meaningful interactions among persons and groups representing different traits, perceptions, and experiences. This dimension addresses the overall climate and group interactions across the learning environment. A growing body of research has linked students’ sense of belonging to important outcomes, such as academic success, persistence, and well-being. Climate and culture focus on the interactions among groups and the level of intercultural development.

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