Rachel Blankstein Breman
September 16, 2019

Assistant professor wins Research Article of the Year from 'MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing.'
Rachel Blankstein Breman, PhD, MPH, RN, assistant professor, won the 2019 Research Article of the Year award for her article Clinicians' Perspectives on Admission of Pregnant Women: A Triad. The article was selected by the MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing editorial board as the top research article published by the Journal in 2019. Breman co-authored the article with Stacey Iobst, PhD '18, BS '07, RNC-OB, C-EFM; Julie Paul, DNP, CNM, PMHNP-BC, PMH-C, FACNM; and Lisa Kane Low, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN.