SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Program at ANA | Call for Applications Now Open!

Deadline: April 30, 2022

If you have ever considered earning a doctoral degree in psychiatric mental health nursing and identify as a member of an ethnic minority in the United States, the SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Program at the American Nurses Association is designed specifically for you.

We offer fellowships, mentoring, and other forms of support to a select number of students precisely like you.

American Nurses Association funding opportunities, through a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), are available and designed to support the training of future nurse practitioners in behavioral health practice, education, and health policy. If you have the potential to be a leader and are committed to a career providing behavioral health services or developing policy for ethnic and racial minority populations, we invite you to apply:

Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Doctoral
Supported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), this program provides 3-5 year fellowships to master's prepared nurses, or nurses who have completed at least nine (9) credits related to Psychiatric/Mental Health or Substance Abuse, and committed to pursuing doctoral study on minority psychiatric-mental health and substance abuse issues.

SAMHSA's Expectation of MFP Fellows

  • Work to improve behavioral health conditions of ethnic or racial minorities
  • Assist SAMHSA in maintaining program funding
  • Strengthen your professional foundation
  • Give back
  • Help SAMHSA promote the Minority Fellowship Program
  • Participate in the MFP community of learning
  • Complete ALL MFP Surveys Administered by SAMHSA and Your Sponsoring Fellowship Organization


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