Meet the 2022-23 UMB Staff Senate Executive Committee
July 06, 2022With a new fiscal year underway, the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Staff Senate proudly announces its slate of Executive Committee members and welcomes all new and returning senators as they continue to advocate on behalf of UMB employees.
Started in 1994, the Staff Senate serves as an advisory body of shared governance and a channel of communication from staff to UMB President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, and his cabinet. Staff Senate members advocate on behalf of UMB staff with regard to University policies and procedures that affect eligible employees; work environment and staff morale; and issues impacting wages, benefits, and working conditions.
The Staff Senate is made up of an elected Executive Committee and representatives from around the University. The Executive Committee members of the 2022-23 Staff Senate are:
- President: Gregory A. Brightbill, MBA, MEd, associate director, student leadership and involvement, Division of Student Affairs, UMB. As president, Brightbill presides at all meetings of the senate, finalizes the agenda of each senate meeting, and serves as chief liaison with Jarrell and senior leadership, among other duties.
- Vice President: Jill Hamilton, MSW, contracts and grants specialist, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy (UMSOP). As vice president, Hamilton assists the Staff Senate president and performs the duties of the president in his absence. She also facilitates presentations to inform the senate body on upcoming, present, or past events that affect the University and staff, and serves as senate parliamentarian. She advises the president and other officers, committees, and senators on matters of parliamentary procedure to ensure that meetings are conducted according to most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Communications Officer: Mary T. Phelan, senior media relations specialist, Office of Communications and Public Affairs, UMB. As communications officer, Phelan chairs the senate’s Communications Committee, contributes to The Elm, and serves on the UMB Communications Council. She is responsible for the development, management, and execution of all Staff Senate communications.
- Secretary: Timothy Casey, MBA, MSSE, MSIS, director of business analytics and assessment, University of Maryland School of Dentistry (UMSOD. As secretary, Casey is responsible for maintaining and distributing accurate records regarding all official business conducted by the Staff Senate, including meeting agendas, minutes, and attendance records. He also monitors the senate’s budget and reports on its fiscal status to the Executive Committee and senate, among other duties.
- Member at Large: Irene Amoros, executive director of annual giving, University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM). In her role as Member at Large, Amoros serves as a representative of all senators to the Executive Committee to ensure that all opinions within the University receive full consideration by the senate. Along with the other Executive Committee members, she attends quarterly meetings with UMB leadership and performs other duties as assigned by the senate.
- Past President: Christina Fenwick, executive administration manager, Dean’s Office, University of Maryland School of Social Work (UMSSW). Fenwick, who was president before Brightbill, serves as an advisor to the Executive Committee to provide continuity.
All staff members are encouraged to attend Staff Senate meetings on the first Thursday of each month (except August and January.) Meetings are held virtually on the Zoom platform due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A full list of meeting dates can be found on the Staff Senate website.
Other senators include:
- Ayamba Ayuk-Brown, MBA, business operations manager, University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON)
- Taylor DeBoer, MA, marketing and operations specialist, The Grid, Graduate School.
- Maria Drayton, MS, Institution Review Board analyst
- Aaron Graham, JD, associate director of career development, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law
- Jade Grant, MPA, senior marketing and recruitment specialist, Graduate School
- Camille Hand (alternate), event coordinator, SMC Campus Center
- Danielle Harris, LCSW-C, associate director, Community Engagement Center, UMB
- Kecia Hitch, MBA, senior accountant, UMSOM
- Thomas Hockensmith, MSIT, director, Center for Information Technology Services, UMV
- Joe Howarth (alternate), training specialist, UMSOP
- Susan Holt, administrative coordinator, UMSOM
- Jillian Iffland, MEd, academic program support manager, UMSOM
- Elizabeth Main, associate director, Office of Sustainability and Operational Effectiveness, UMB
- Nancy McDowell (alternate), program manager, Department of Partnerships, Professional Education, and Practice, UMSON
- Shawnta Privette, SSC, police communication operator supervisor, UMB Police Department
- Shilpa Shah, senior contracts and grants specialist, UMSOD
- Shereece Singleton, MS, office manager, UMSOM
- Mishawn Smith, MPA, DEI coordinator, UMSON
- Nia Speaks, senior business manager, UMSSW
- Priti Wakefield, senior manager, Environmental Services, UMB
- Forjet Williams (alternate), business operations manager, UMSON
- Lakeisha Wilson, MS, program administrator, UMSOM
- Lei Zhang, lab specialist, UMSOM