Season's Greenery

In the United States, the holiday and winter seasons traditionally elicit a variety of spices and flavors, as well as traditional floral decorations. Join the Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HSHSL) in celebrating the season with "Season’s Greenery," a new exhibit featuring seasonal botanicals from the Historical Collections. The botanicals featured come from Julius Leo’s "Taschenbuch der Arzeneipflanzen" (1826-27), Robert Bentley and Henry Trimen’s "Medicinal Plants" (1880), and Botanical Magazine (1806).

While the botanicals featured in the exhibit are found in food and decorations today, some were once used for medicinal and health reasons. The exhibit highlights these pharmaceutical uses alongside displays of beautiful pieces found in the historic pharmacy collection.

The exhibit will run from December through January in the Weise Gallery, on the first floor of the HSHSL.

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