Oct. 20: UMSSW Faculty Sabbatical and Fulbright Scholar IGNITE Talks
October 03, 2022Lunch Time Research Seminar: Sabbatical and Fulbright Scholar IGNITE Talks
Date: Oct. 20 from 12:15 p.m.-1:45 p.m.
Join us for an annual favorite where School of Social Work faculty who were on sabbatical, including Fulbright Scholarship, will share highlights from their work. Each presenter will provide a TED Talk-style presentation for 10-12 minutes and have time for questions and discussion following each talk. Talk topics include:
- Family Engagement and Reunification Outcomes for Children in Foster Care
- Development Assets and Educational Outcomes among Black Adolescents
- Cooperative Online International Learning (COIL): Knowledge and Application
- Best Practices in Workplace Suicide Prevention and Postvention
- Fulbright Scholar Award: Reflections from Egypt
Join us virtually or in person. Please register using the Eventbrite portal if you will be attending in-person or virtually.
In person: Room 2E02
Virtually: Register via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/umssw-sabbatical-and-fulbright-scholar-ignite-talks-tickets-427148732357
Questions: Contact Trisha Brown at tbrown@ssw.umaryland.edu