URecFit and Wellness Monthly 5Ks Return
July 12, 2022

Join UMB's URecFit and Wellness for our monthly 5Ks! Each event begins promptly at 12 p.m. and maps will be provided at the table. We will be running them in person beginning at our Campus Center at 621 W Lombard St. The runs are free to anyone who wants to join so feel free to bring a colleague or fellow student. Everyone who participates in all of the runs will receive a prize at the end of the year!
The fall kickoff will be Aug. 31 with the theme of “UMB attire.”
Find the entire schedule here: https://www.umaryland.edu/urecfit/fitness/monthly-5k/
For more information, email Jimmy Mszanski at jmszanski@umaryland.edu