Virginia Poe Bicentennial Celebration Events
April 05, 2022

Muse, poetess, child bride, and daughter of Baltimore, Virginia Poe (1822-1847), wife of Edgar Allan Poe, remains one of the most enigmatic and controversial figures in the life of the famed author. Commemorating her 200th birthday in 2022, the Virginia Poe Bicentennial will take place from April 19 to Aug. 13 and feature monthly virtual and in-person events such as graveside chats, hidden history, discussion series, and exhibits.
The Virginia Poe Bicentennial is presented by Westminster Hall and Burying Ground, Poe Baltimore, the Maryland Women’s Heritage Center, and the Poe Cottage at Fordham (Bronx, N.Y.), with help and participation from the Poe Studies Association, the Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore, and the Poe Museum (Richmond, Va.).
Learn more and register for events at this link.