Volunteers Needed for Pinless Head Fixation for MRgFUS Study
November 18, 2022

Healthy volunteers are needed to take part in an imaging research study to test a novel head fixation method for MRI.
You may be eligible if you:
- Are age 18 or older
- Are not pregnant
- Do not have any known neurological conditions or disorders
This study entails a brain MRI to assess head motion.
Your participation may benefit future patients who may undergo MR-guided focused ultrasound treatments.
We will compensate you for your time and effort (up to $400 after completion of all study procedures).
If you are interested, please contact:
Rosy Linda Njonkou Tchoquessi
410-706-6445 or 301-578-6916
Alexa Gail Colinco
410-706-7276 or 443-390-8487