person in cap and gown in front of the words PPA

Applications are being accepted for Year 2 of the 2023 PATIENTS Professors Academy (PPA), an innovative free, online, five-week program starting July 10 that connects and trains health advocates patients, community members, health care providers, researchers, and others on patient-centered research. It requires only two hours of your time each week. PPA prepares its participants to engage patients and communities in research.

Spots remain for this year's PPA before applications close June 11.

There is a lack of trust, diversity, and inclusion in clinical research. This reduces community participation, contributes to health disparities, and leads to poor health measures. The goal of PPA is to provide a community-centered solution to improve health equity. By participating in the academy, we can learn from each other how to conduct research that includes the voices of patients, caregivers, and communities.  

The graduates of our Year 1 cohort have gained the skills needed to advocate for themselves and their communities in many ways. This video highlights the impact of the PATIENTS Professors Academy: PATIENTS Professors talk about the PATIENTS Professors Academy.  

Upon graduation from PPA, you and your colleagues will have more tools to benefit your organization and your community.   

The 2023 Academy will take place July 10-Aug. 14, 2023.  The application can be found on the PATIENTS Program website at:

Students, faculty, and staff, let your voice be heard!
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