cover of Placebo Effects: Through the Lens of Translational Research book

Please join the University of Maryland School of Nursing Placebo Beyond Opinions (PBO) Center for a fascinating lecture:

Translating the Science of Placebo Into Medical Practice

Wednesday, Dec. 13
3 - 4:30 p.m.
UMSON, Room 140

Join us for a reception following the lecture and be sure to enter our raffle for copies of the Placebo Effects book!


Don't miss this opportunity to explore cutting-edge research and discoveries that shed light on the enigmatic world of the placebo effect. Join us on a quest to better understand the science of self-healing and harness its remarkable potential in medical practice. This event is a journey into the science of the placebo effect and how it influences treatments.

Presentation by Wayne Jonas, MD, president of the Healing Works Foundation

Wayne Jonas, MD, is a widely published investigator, practicing family physician, and professor of medicine at Georgetown University and at Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. He also advises national and international organizations on ways to implement evidence-based healing practices in their medical systems.

Wayne Jonas HeadshotThis event serves as the launch of Placebo Effects: Through the Lens of Translational Research, a brand-new book edited by Luana Colloca, Jason Noel, Patricia D. Franklin, and Chamindi Seneviratne, all members of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, community. Colloca is director of the PBO Center. The lecture covers the first chapter of the book, exploring clinical scenarios and considerations of placebo effects as part of clinical practice.

Learn more about the PBO Center

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