Make Kindness Count

World Kindness Week is observed each November, and this year, it will be celebrated from Nov. 13-19. World Kindness Week is a reminder that we should take the time to be kind to others, especially those in need. When we do something good for others, it is good for us, too.

Being kind is a reminder that we are not alone, and World Kindness Week highlights the goodness that takes place every day. Kindness helps us to create connections with others and build meaningful relationships. Acts of kindness and goodwill are common threads that bind us all.

There are some simple ways to demonstrate kindness during World Kindness Week:

  • Give compliments to your friends and even strangers, letting them know something that you like about them
  • Speak respectfully to others
  • Set a good example
  • Volunteer your time and talents
  • Perform a random act of kindness by smiling, opening a door for someone, or giving up your seat or place in line
  • Donate to a charity of choice

Early next week, we will be sending a supply of kindness stickers to each school or administrative unit’s Human Resources Office to distribute to their employees during World Kindness Week. Let’s Make Kindness Count at UMB!

Students, faculty, and staff, let your voice be heard!
Submit Your Story.