Purpose: This study aims to create novel biomarkers for early screening of cognitive impairment (e.g. Alzheimer's). 

Are you eligible? We are currently looking for healthy young male adults (ages 18 to 30) to balance our current dataset. The participants are required to be native speakers of English or non-native speakers but can speak English fluently and have no unusual memory or thinking issues. The participants should have normal vision acuity (with or without correction). 

Participants will be asked to participate in one study session in which they will be asked to chat with researchers and perform tasks related to memory, attention, and arm motion. Each study session will last for about one hour.

Location: A lab at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)

Participants will receive:

(1) $40 for time and effort plus a voucher for parking if they drive to UMB. 

(2) Cognitive impairment screening

If you are interested, please get in touch with members of the research team: Please email Wei Yin at wyin@som.umaryland.edu with the subject line "Cognitive Study."

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