April 4: Session II: ClinicalTrials.gov Registration and Reporting Guidelines and Best Practices
March 20, 2023Among other topics in this session, Anthony Keyes of Johns Hopkins University will discuss; Responsible Party responsibilities (example: Who is responsible for approving and releasing the record?), what should the Responsible Party do before leaving the institution, and how to address issues and make corrections in a timely manner.
The ClinicalTrials.gov program provides:
- The ethical, scientific and legal reasons for clinical trials registration and reporting
- Information regarding which trials are required to be registered and the timelines
- Tips, tricks and helpful content to improve the process
- Up-to-date information on institutional and federal policies
Webinar Link: https://umaryland.webex.com/umaryland/j.php?MTID=m1bbbdcc152336cae3f62d73f843d25f5
Webinar number: 2624 665 8684
Webinar password: XpAWUHqV663 (97298478 from phones and video systems)
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