‘The UMB Pulse’ Podcast: How UMB Is Studying AI’s Potential in Health Care
May 03, 2023

The latest episode of "The UMB Pulse Podcast" will be released Friday, May 5.
A new wave of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be a disruptor across industries. How can artificial intelligence and tools like ChatGPT improve health care? What are the pitfalls? The University of Maryland Medical Intelligent Imaging (UM2ii) Center is an academic research hub for revolutionizing medical imaging AI housed in the School of Medicine. Paul Yi, MD, assistant professor of diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine and director of UM2ii, gives his insight on AI in health care and how UM2ii fits into that landscape.
Listen to the episode at umaryland.edu/pulse, or search and subscribe to “The UMB Pulse” on Apple Podcasts or wherever you like to listen.