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Effective immediately, all disbursement requests (E-DRFs) must be submitted within 90 days of the date the expense was incurred. This policy includes all expenses such as direct vendor payments, reimbursements to UMB, and personal expense reimbursements. 

Travel reimbursements must be submitted within 90 days of the last date of travel. 

This policy change was needed in order for the University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc. to recognize expenses in the appropriate fiscal year for financial statement reporting and must mitigate the large number of exception requests being submitted under the outgoing policy. 

The policy change is effective immediately. A grace period will be granted through Feb. 2 to allow adequate time for reconciliation and review of departmental records. Please submit disbursement requests for any expenses outside of the 90-day window by or before Feb. 2.

Under previous guidelines, many E-DRF submissions included memos explaining the submission of stale expenses. After Feb. 2, memos of explanation will not be accepted. Exception requests will be evaluated after a meeting with the appropriate department/school administrator.    

For questions or concerns about the 90-day timeline, please contact or reach out directly to Pam Heckler at or x6-5631.



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