not applicable

Below is UMB’s updated COVID-19 vaccine requirements and exposure and isolation guidance for students and employees. UMB continues to strongly recommend individuals stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccine. COVID-19 vaccines in the United States are safe and effective and protect against serious illness, hospitalization, and death. Information on the benefits and safety of the COVID-19 vaccine can be found here. COVID-19 vaccine locations can be found at

Updated UMB COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements - Students 

Students whose educational requirements involve participating in activities at clinical or field sites are required to comply with the COVID-19 vaccine requirements of those specific sites. Students who do not meet the COVID-19 vaccine requirements of the clinical or field site may be denied participation in activities by the site. Students participating in activities at clinical or field sites that require the COVID-19 vaccine must submit proof of vaccination and exemption requests to the COVID-19 Management Portal.

Updated UMB COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements - Employees 

Employees whose job duties require them to work at clinical or field sites are required to comply with the COVID-19 vaccine requirements of those specific sites. Schools are responsible for communicating and enforcing COVID-19 vaccine requirements that relate to a UMB employee’s specific job duties. This includes a notice to job applicants as to whether the position is subject to a COVID-19 vaccine requirement. When applicable, proof of vaccination and requests for accommodations for employees will continue to be administered through the COVID-19 Management Portal.

Updated COVID-19 Exposure and Isolation Guidance

UMB is no longer collecting information at this time via the COVID-19 report form. Guidance on what to do in the event of symptoms, exposure, or infection can be found here.


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