Virtual Study Groups/Body Doubling
September 19, 2023

Virtual Study Groups/Body Doubling groups this semester!
Studying in the presence of another person can increase focus and productivity and expand your SSW network.
You can read more about it here:
We will largely use the Pomodoro method of setting a goal, working for 25 minutes, and then taking a 5-minute break.
All meetings will be on Zoom:
- Mondays 5-6:30pm w/ Shatera:
- Meeting ID: 551 346 5909, Passcode: 585406
- Tuesdays 11am-12pm w/ Alex:
- Meeting ID: 673 636 6588, Passcode: 722311
- Fridays w/ Tatum 12-1:30pm
- Meeting ID: 444 149 5152
*Contact Shatera Hillyer, MSW, with questions, suggestions, or offers to host a regular space,