Volunteers with New Low Back Pain Needed
November 09, 2023

Help us learn why some people develop chronic low back pain.
Who is eligible?
- Adults 18 to 70 years old
- New episode of low back pain for more than 24 hours but less than 6 weeks
- No previous history of low back pain in the past 6 months
- No other pain conditions, history of spine surgery, recent falls, or neurological deficits (weakness)
- Willing to participate in a 1-year study with 5 in-person clinic visits and 6 between clinic visit online surveys
- Able to speak and read English
All participants will receive compensation for their time.
For more information, please call 410-706-8247 or email nrsrenn-lab@umaryland.edu.
You may also complete this form to see if you meet eligibility criteria.