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Join the School of Pharmacy's PATIENTS Program for our annual Summer Roundtable Series ASTARISQ: Addressing systemic and STructurAl Racism to Improve Safety, Quality, and trustworthiness in health delivery systems.

This free, virtual weekly series is held on Wednesdays from 1 p.m.-2 p.m. EST.

Dates and topics are as follows:

  • July 17: Structural Determinants of Health
  • July 24: Improving Patient Safety in Health Delivery Systems (HDS)
  • July 31: Overcoming Systemic Oppression and Improving Healthcare Delivery
  • Aug. 7: Whole-Person Healthcare in Health Delivery Systems
  • Aug. 14: Tools to Advance Health Equity in Healthcare Institutions

The 2024 ASTARISQ Roundtable Series theme is AWARENESS. We cannot address or change a problem if we do not see it. In our 2024 series, we will discuss the impact of racism on HDS and present opportunities to determine root causes of racial health disparities. The roundtable sessions will ask participants to diagnose structural racism and how it “shows up” in their HDS and enables racial health disparities. Roundtable members will also examine how their intervention efforts in addressing racism have fallen short, or succeeded, and discuss facilitators and barriers to change. Participants will be provided tools to help them further assess the role racism plays in their organization and the readiness of their organization to implement an anti-racist intervention to address health disparities.

The series is free; however, you'll need to register here.


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