UMSON Student Emergency Fund

Each year the UMSON Office of Development and Alumni Relations invites our dedicated faculty and staff to participate in a springtime fundraising campaign. On Tuesday, April 30, we kick off Day One of 25 for our UMSON Cares Campaign!

Our goal is to raise $2,500 in 25 days for the UMSON Student Emergency Fund, which provides support for students who are experiencing significant financial hardship that can be a barrier to their education.

Between now and May 24, we will be sharing impactful stats on current student need and inspiring testimonials from those who have already benefited from this fund.

To participate, you can click here, select your gift amount, and indicate whether you would like to establish a monthly or annual sustaining gift, or make a one-time gift.

Make Your Gift

Participation in the UMSON Cares Campaign counts toward UMB’s larger employee campaign – Proud to Work Here. Proud to Give Here., which makes it that much more impactful! Questions? Contact Nicole Nash in the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at

Students, faculty, and staff, let your voice be heard!
Submit Your Story.