Bill Cooper: Why I Chose Giving Through Payroll Deduction
August 21, 2024

“A number of years ago, I decided to make a commitment to support specific needs I saw within the School of Pharmacy. Payroll deduction made it so simple and painless because it’s spread out over the entire year. Like it’s been said before: ‘Set it and forget it.’ I am proud to support UMB.”
— Bill Cooper, senior associate dean for administration and finance, School of Pharmacy
UMB employees have the option of donating directly to the school, center, fund, or program of their choice at UMB through payroll deduction. This form of giving is:
Convenient: Set it and forget it.
Budget-friendly: You to choose the amount that works best for you and your lifestyle.
Reliable: Assures the program or cause of your choice a consistent source of funding to use throughout the year.
Learn more at