E3 to P2: Essential Experiential Education: Passport to Practice identity

Take a look at AACN's Essentials webpage, which contains important and useful updates under "Latest Updates & Resources" (i.e., New Content Posted to the Essentials Teaching Resource Database).

Just a reminder that our monthly E3 to P2 Taskforce meetings are open to everyone! We offer a Zoom option for those unable to attend in person. We will continue to meet on the first Monday of the month, 1 - 3 p.m., Room TBD dependent on the course schedule.

Register now for AACN's fall 2024 Essentials CBE workshop series! These regional faculty development workshops are designed to aid schools of nursing transition to competency-based education (CBE). Participants will work with experts to explore new strategies and opportunities to align their programs with the 2021 AACN Essentials.

AACN offers two types of CBE workshops—one focused on curricular transition, backward design, and progression indicators, and one focused on coaching students and simulation.

Essentializing Your Curriculum: Moving Forward with Competency-Based Education

Building on AACN's popular 2023 workshop series, this program provides an overview of CBE through the lens of curricular transition and using AI to develop progression indicators.

Sept. 27 | St. Louis

Dawn Mueller-Burke, assistant professor and chair of UMSON's E3 to P2 Taskforce, will be presenting at this event!

Register Now

Nov. 8 | Denver

Register Now

Unlocking the Power of Simulation - Coach for Competency

This two-day pre-conference workshop, held before Transform 2024, aims to elevate faculty's experiential learning strategies using simulation with a special focus on developing student coaching and assessment skills.

Dec. 3 - 4 | New Orleans

Register Now

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