not applicable

The below message is from CiTS security and compliance and is announcing a change to the way email works on campus. This policy change is to address identified security issues related to the sharing/not sharing of sensitive data.




Auto Forwarding


We have identified an issue where some UMB faculty, staff and students have setup a forwarding rule in their email account, which is a potential security risk that must be addressed.  When a forwarding rule is implemented, any email received by the user is automatically sent to personal accounts or other locations outside of our system.  This action can accidentally share sensitive information as our security controls to prevent this from occurring are bypassed, making it impossible for us to control sensitive data.


Auto-forwarding puts us at risk of violating federal, state and university policies which require UMB to implement strong controls to protect sensitive data.


If someone’s account gets hacked, bad actors can access sensitive information by setting up forwarding without the user knowing.


To remediate this issue, we will begin blocking email forwarding starting June 1, 2024.

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