Two figures engaged in self-defense.

Resisting Aggression with Defense (R.A.D.) is a 12-hour hands-on course that provides responsible information and tactical options of self-defense for men who find themselves in confrontational situations. Class begins May 28 and ends June 20. 

Class Information:

  • Classes are held twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). New information and skills are taught during each class. Please be mindful that this is a four-week commitment; you should plan to attend all sessions. 
  • Classes are 90 minutes per session. They are offered from 12 to 1:30 p.m. and again from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Both sessions will provide the same information. Please choose which time works best for your schedule. 
  • Classes are free to UMB employees, students, and community members! Space is limited.
  • This course is designed for assigned, identifying, and transgender men. 

Space is limited. Register online at

Send questions to Cpl. Shantell Brown at

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