HSHSL’s Open Access Publishing Fund for Early-Career Researchers
July 17, 2024

The Health Sciences and Human Services Library’s (HSHSL) Open Access Publishing Fund is designed to improve access to research produced at the University of Maryland, Baltimore and:
- Promote publishing by early-career researchers
- Enable authors to retain their copyrights
- Accelerate the online availability of peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles generated by UMB researchers
- Raise campus awareness about the benefits of open access
The fund will reimburse 50 percent of the cost of article processing charges for Open Access (OA) journals up to a maximum of $3,000 for early-career researchers. The fund has a limited budget. Reimbursements will be made on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted.
Details are provided here.
Contact Steven Douglas if you have any questions about the Open Access Publishing Fund.