UMSON courtyard with snow

As we prepare for the start of a new semester, UMSON Facilities Management and Operations would like to remind students, faculty, and staff of key building policies and procedures to ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone:

  1. OneCard Access:
    • All individuals are required to badge into the building using their own UMB One Card ID.
  2. No Tailgating:
    • For security reasons, please refrain from holding doors open for others. Each person must badge in independently.
  3. Visitor Check-In:
    • Visitors to the School of Nursing must sign in at the front desk using Lobby Guard and present a government-issued ID. Visitors who fail to comply will not be admitted.
  4. Latex Balloon Prohibition:
    • Latex balloons are not permitted in the UMSON building. Please avoid bringing them to campus.
  5. Emergency Equipment:
    • Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and first aid kits are available on every floor near each main elevator in the new (south) nursing building.
  6. Emergency Procedures:

Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a secure and welcoming environment at UMSON. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact the Facilities Management and Operations.

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