Jimmie Swartz Stipend Award Available for Current Students
January 14, 2025Ending homelessness is one of the Grand Challenges of Social Work and our school is committed to achieving this goal.
Thanks to the generosity of the Jimmie Swartz Fund, up to seven scholarships in the amount of $5,000-$10,000 will be awarded to practicum students, who are committed to ending homelessness and supporting individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, unstable or inadequate housing.
To be eligible for consideration, students must:
• Be a foundation or advanced clinical or LPSC (Macro) student currently engaged in field practicum serving unhoused individuals.
• have a GPA of 3.0.
• submit a copy of your resume.
• submit an essay responding to the following prompt:
Please describe your interest in ending homelessness and your experiences in related aspects of this goal, including personal, professional and practical-related experiences with homelessness, and/or individuals or families experiencing housing instability and poverty. Personal statements must be in .doc or .pdf format, 300 words or less, and must be double-spaced using 1-inch margins and 12-point type
Please send your resume and essay via email to both ajachelski@ssw.umaryland.edu and lloessner@ssw.umaryland.edu with the subject header “Jimmie Swartz Fund Scholarship”, no later than January 31, 2025.