Photo of Dr. Peter Choyke

The Third Annual Alavi-Bradley Symposium on Molecular Imaging and Theranostics will be held Sept. 19, 2024, at the SMC Campus Center.

This symposium was made possible by a generous donation from Dr. Abass Alavi and his wife, Dr. Jane Alavi. The symposium offers a series of lectures on a wide range of topics on molecular imaging and theranostics and provides ample opportunities for formal and informal discussions and networking with experts in molecular imaging. CME credit will be offered.

The keynote address will be given by Peter L. Choyke, MD (shown at right). He is the director, Molecular Imaging Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute.

Registration is now open and a call for abstracts has been issued.

To register or submit an abstract, visit the Alavi-Bradley Symposium on Molecular Imaging and Theranostics website.

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