Summer Roundtable Series

Join us for our annual Summer Roundtable Series ASTARISQ: Addressing systemic and STructurAl Racism to Improve Safety, Quality, and trustworthiness in health delivery systems.

The 2024 ASTARISQ Roundtable Series theme is AWARENESS. We cannot address or change a problem if we do not see it. 

Hear how our speakers have navigated and addressed structural racism in their communities and organizations, and how you can take steps to identify and address these factors in your own health delivery system settings. The series takes place Wednesdays at 1 p.m. ET.
The remaining series is as follows:
  • Aug. 7: Whole-Person Health Care in Health Delivery Systems
  • Aug. 14: Tools to Advance Health Equity in Health Delivery Systems
Register for the Summer Roundtable Series here:
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