man in front of bridge

Jazmiera Smothers, a dedicated member of the CO-PILLAR council, compassionately guides us through the intricate landscape of grief. Smothers sheds light on the importance of understanding and addressing the needs of our community when dealing with loss.

CO-PILLAR (COmmunity-Based Collaboration to Address the Mental Health PILLAR in PCOR/CER Research) brings together people interested in centering the mental health pillar on holistic health to build capacity for creating patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) and community-engaged research (CER). Our Baltimore community partners echoed concerns about exacerbated mental health issues, challenges to improving overall health, and their desire to identify community-led solutions. Acknowledgment: CO-PILLAR was funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (EACB-30061).

Check out Smothers' links here:,

To watch the entire episode of "The Bridge" podcast, go to:


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