Title IX

University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is committed to promoting a learning environment that is free from sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence.

As such, we want to ensure:

  • All members of the UMB community are aware of their rights and responsibilities under Title IX;
  • Promote common understanding of the expectations under Title IX, including what is prohibited behaviors;
  • Provide information on resources available to persons who have experienced or been impacted by sex discrimination; and
  • Encourage reporting of incidents to allow UMB to respond, remedy, and work to prevent sex discrimination.

All students, including visiting students, are required to complete online Annual Title IX training through StudentSuccess. A hold will be placed on the accounts of any students who do not complete the module prior to the training deadline.  

Staff and faculty are required to complete annual Title IX and Non-Discrimination training through UMB’s Learning Management System.  

Students, staff, faculty, and affiliates can access the training from the Title IX Education and Training website at www.umaryland.edu/titleix/training/.  All trainings must be completed by Oct. 15, 2024.

If you have questions regarding the training, please contact UMB’s Title IX Team at titleix@umaryland.edu

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