Kimberly Lumpkins

Early-stage faculty face many demands on their time and need to be strategic in identifying requests that are appropriate and they can fulfill, as well as those that are beyond their field of expertise or may be too time-consuming at an early stage in their career. Kimberly M. Lumpkins, MD, MBA, associate professor, Department of Surgery, University of Maryland School of Medicine, will address some of the most difficult scenarios facing new faculty: when to say “yes” to requests for service, teaching, collaborating, etc., and when — and how — to say “no” to requests, especially when these requests are made by senior faculty/your department chair. 
Lumpkins will provide criteria for identifying requests that may further a junior faculty member’s career. She will also provide tips for declining requests professionally, and in a way that leaves the door open to opportunities subsequently. She will conclude this session with tips for managing your time strategically.
Register online for the seminar at 9 a.m. Sept. 10.

This seminar is part of the Center for Advanced Research Training and Innovation's (CARTI) "Managing Your Research Program" seminar series. 


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