Business meeting illustration

UMB SPARK! Supervisor Quarterly Meeting is designed for supervisors who lead people. The quarterly meeting provides supervisors an opportunity to gather, learn valuable strategies, share challenges, and engage in supportive dialogue to enhance leadership efforts.
Below are the meeting dates and discussion topics for the first half of the year. 
When you click the register button, you will have two available meeting options to select from: 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. or 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Feb. 19 (Virtual)
Navigating Crucial Conversations: Turning Tension Into a Win!
As a supervisor, tension-filled conversations always await you around the next corner. Whether you are dealing with a direct report, immediate supervisor, or a colleague, how you handle yourself and the individual within the conversation is crucial. Join us for the upcoming supervisor meeting to learn effective tips and strategies to navigate difficult conversations. Time will also be devoted to demonstrating CAISY, a conversation AI simulator within Percipio, to practice having crucial conversations. Register for Feb. 19.
April 16 (In Person)
Coaching Skills for Supervisors has reported that supervisors who utilize coaching skills can boost team morale, increase productivity, achieve goals, and qualify for advanced management positions. Join us to learn about the elements of the coaching mindset and specific coaching skills for engaging with team members. Register for April 16.
UMB SPARK! serves as the Supervisor’s Pathway to Advance and Reignite Knowledge (SPARK) for greater performance.
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