CASE badges, 3 silver and 1 bronze

UMSON earned three silver awards and one bronze award in the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s (CASE) 2021 CASE District II Awards. The District II awards recognize work for the visibility, support, and prestige it brought to their institutions.

This year, CASE received more than 300 award nominations from schools, colleges, and universities in Delaware, Washington, D.C., Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, West Virginia, and Ontario, Canada. 

UMSON's winning categories and projects include:

  • Silver: Communications, Communications Improvement - Reconceptualized Weekly e-newsletter - The Elm: Nursing
    From the judges: This entry presented a solid concept, collaboration between departments, clear goals, and solid execution of the plan. They had clear metrics to measure success. The Enewsletter website design is clean, easy to read, and reflects priorities.
  • Silver: Publications, Student Recruitment - Publications Packages - Entry-Into-Practice Student Recruitment Package
    From the judges: Great diversity on multiple levels: race and ethnicity, type of student, non-traditional student, etc.; Simple and straightforward; Achieved outcomes; So much better than original one-sheeters.
  • Silver: Video, General Information - University of Maryland School Nursing’s 2019 Holiday Greeting Video
    From the judges: We appreciated the thought and care that went into this holiday video for the university community. The bridging between past and present via picture dissolves was clever, and the forward-looking message is hopeful. It is especially thoughtful for a holiday greeting.
  • Bronze: Special Events, Special Event Pivot - UMSON's National Nurses Week 2020
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