May 13: Join a Dialogue About Adopting Asian Children
May 06, 2019

Monday, May 13
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
SMC Campus Center, Elm Room B
As part of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, join a necessary and complicated dialogue on race and adoption. A panel of adoptees and racial justice organizers will share how racism, colonialism, anti-blackness, and white saviorism play roles in the practice and impacts of interracial adoption. They also will highlight strategies to strengthen positive racial identity development among adoptees of color.
While this discussion will largely focus on adoption of children from various Asian countries by white people in the United States, all are welcome to join the dialogue.
This event is co-sponsored by BRJA, Baltimore Asian Resistance in Solidarity (BARS), and Interprofessional Student Learning & Services Initiatives (ISLSI).
Register here