April 12: Bring Donations, Get Free Food at NOVA’s Halal on the Lawn Event
April 03, 2019

The Neuroscience Outreach and Volunteer Association (NOVA) is hosting the annual Halal on the Lawn event on the School of Nursing lawn on Friday, April 12, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Anyone who brings a donation will receive free halal food! Donations are used as prizes for NOVA’s monthly BINGO nights with the residents at the Spring Grove Psychiatric Center.
Due to limitations on what we can bring to the residents and what they have use for, NOVA has preferred donations:
- Adult clothing (preferably large male items)
- Toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste; please no alcohol in products)
- Activities (books, games, sudoku puzzles; no hardcover books)
Please clear out your closet and join us for some delicious free lunch!
This event is sponsored by the University Student Government Association.